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  • 10 Dec 2024
  • by AFI

The most fantastic years of your life

You have the whole life in front of you, the time, the energy and the drive to succeed. You feel confident that everything you plan is going to work.

That’s the spirit when you are in high school! I certainly felt the same and I wished I had been given the advice I’m going to give you in this article regarding career guidance.

What really drives your passions

By the time you enter high school, you already develop a certain personality which is passionate about something. Common passions can included and not be limited to:

  • Music
  • Art
  • Crafting
  • Computer science
  • Cars
  • Video production

In my opinion, high school years are great since you usually have a lot of spare time which can be used wisely to develop your passions and hobbies. Used wisely, you should be able to love your hobbies to such an extend that they may transform into life long purposes. And this is important to have since you’ll need to be active for a couple of decades.

The importance of having a role model

Some people have grown with the mentality of not comparing themselves with others. It’s true to some extent that you shouldn’t put yourself below others in terms of value.

In my high school years I didn’t fall into this trap of having little faith in my abilities just because others had greater marks than me. Although I had mediocre marks at all the subjects, I was super good at Informatics excelling all the expectations.

The problem I faced was the fact that I wasted some energy not knowing exactly how to use my skills in an entrepreneurial way. This is where a good role model or mentor comes into play. In high school, I didn’t have one. In college, I luckily had an Olympic colleague who really inspired me and my career direction.

Seek support from family, friends and teachers

Oftentimes we turn to family, friends or teachers for support. Our close ones will always support us endlessly if our pursuit of purpose and happiness. They will also drag you out of mishaps that’s why you should pay attention to their speech.

True friends are also a source of guidance because you can express to them your feelings in a way which may not be possible with your family. I always say that a true friendship is based on solid principles.

Also teachers can play an important role in the game. They master the craft of both expertise in the field and inspire you to grow better than them. It’s said that a good student will be better than his teacher!

Be aware of limitations

On the flip side, relying on support from family can be disastrous if your journey is planned ahead by your parents/tutors. You need to be strong and confident to know what you want and bypass the family meddling in your career path!

Be mindful about envies from extended family or friends. Oftentimes they pretend you be helping you just to sack you from behind. It’s hard to tell from the beginning, my advice is to be prudent and think any advice through!

Also, teachers have their own limitations in this process. They tend to be biased and inflexible in their ideas. Their approach might be outdated. Things are evolving very fast and professors don’t keep up with the trends.

Stay motivated and be realistic

After building up your skillset, it’s time to work on your motivation. This is mainly fueled by being aligned with your career purpose. Try to ask yourself these questions to make sure you are on the right path:

  1. Why do I want to pursue this career path?
  2. What value do I bring to this field?
  3. Did I set achievable short term goals?
  4. Did I adhere to a healthy routine without distractions?
  5. Did I implement a resilient mindset?
  6. Am I ready to continuously learn and adapt?

Once you answer truly to these challenges you are already did a hard part of the journey so take your time to celebrate 🎉! Ensure the principles you adhere to are followed with determination. After all, it’s all about your future.

Don’t waste time with distractions

In High school, you obviously have a lot of spare time which you should use to your advantage. I wish I had the same time again these days, trust me 🙂.

It’s easy especially at this time of life to fall into diverse entourages with people who bring to value to the table. Make sure you approach everything with caution and balance. Any mistake at this time can deviate you from the right career track.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go out for a party or hang out with friends. Just make sure that these social events do not drag you down. Stay clear off the temptations of alcohol, drugs or other substances. You may not realize yet, but in a young age you are more vulnerable than you think!

Pursuing a career should be enjoyable

For sure that as challenging as it may be, as rewarding it is an equally important enjoyable. If you keep a steady balance between social pressure, personal goals and technical skills at some point you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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