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  • 12 Mar 2025
  • by AFI

Oh times times... Or prices prices... They are changing fast. Did you notice that your shopping basket is lighter every month and you spend more money on it? I did notice this as well some time ago. The trend of prices is to go up over the years. This includes basic groceries as well.

But what can you do about it? You can never control prices. It's not always easy to find the cheapest product anyway. Let's dive together into this situation to learn how to save more money on groceries without sacrificing quality.

Why is this happening?

There are many reasons why the prices for groceries are rampant. First of all, we need to understand that we live in global market economies which are tightly connected. As prices are dictated by demand and offer, a rise in demand and a shortage in offer will always rise the prices.

Then there is inflation which is quite high. Inflation is driven by many other factors such as government deficit, expenditures, unemployment rate etc. Inflation is a complex topic which involves knowledge of the economics, but the basic idea is simple: inflation diminishes the value of money over time.

Last but not necessarily least, there is the tax rate. To bring in more funds for defense, governments everywhere have to get this money from somewhere. Usually from taxes or borrowing from diverse financial institutions. Having war conflicts in parts of the world means prices for important goods is getting higher. This way there is a vicious circle which fuels volatility!

Control your spending impulse

Retailers nowadays rely heavily on mischievous strategies to trick people into buying. Whether these tactics are legitimate or not, I can't really say that much. But I usually control my spending impulse by applying a few simple rules:

  1. Shop with a full stomach: don't go shopping with an empty stomach. Chances are that you are going to fill your basket with more products than necessary.
  2. Assess the product: always think twice if you really need that product. Many food products are made to fuel your addiction to them, so be careful.
  3. Go for natural and unprocessed: it's for real that processed food not only that it's not healthy but it also makes you addicted to it. Break the habit by acquiring food which is fresh and raw.
  4. Set a daily budget for groceries: budgeting can be daunting, but it's easier if you count the items you buy towards a daily budget. I set my daily budget to be around 30EUR. I apply it for groceries, snacks, drinks but not for bills, fuel or travel.
  5. Impose a no-spend day: assign a day of the week when you don't spend anything on snacks, groceries, coffee etc. It's a good exercise to really understand what you need.
  6. Say NO to extra: oftentimes the clerk serving food may ask you about something to drink, extra sauce or whatever. I make sure to avoid those, since having a drink in a restaurant is more expensive than in a supermarket.

If you manage to control your spending impulse, you'll be far ahead. It's key to live a fulfilled and healthier life.

Be on a lookout for deals

Stores do promote deals every now and then for different products. "Buy 3 for price of 2" or "Meal deal" - they all make part of the same idea. There's also discount for expiring food items which is applied every day. I made a habit of chasing these: I go around specific times to some stores I know and I usually find 50% discounts for food.

For items with a long shelf life, you can buy more quantities which usually gets you a decent discount. For instance, I buy detergent in higher quantities which comes with a better price.

Once you get used to it, chasing deals will be second nature. It allows you to save, think for the long-term and reduce waste.

Apps to help you save even more

There are also apps out there which allow you to save even more. I use TooGoodToGo in order to secure deals with as high as 💸 70% discount! Just open the app and search for stores nearby. You can reserve packages from your favorite stores in app and pick them up at the designated time. You don't know for sure what surprise awaits! But in this way you stop food waste and you try also new stuff!

You can try TooGoodToGo by visiting this link!


Saving on groceries without sacrificing quality is a must in our times! By controlling our impulses and looking out for deals we save money, get more quality food and reduce waste. Make sure you use apps like TooGoodToGo to save even more! Wishing you the best in your saving efforts!