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  • 04 Dec 2024
  • by AFI

Do you dream of waking up every morning excited about the work ahead? If so, it's time to take control of your professional journey. The key is to choose your career wisely early on, based on your strengths and values.

What is a career?

A career is more than a job. It represents a journey of professional growth, personal development and pursuit of passions. The various roles and experiences you undertake throughout your working life shape your identity. Think of it like a blockchain, where every piece from start defines the person you are today. You cannot change the past but your aspirations may change at any time during your career progression.

Key pillars of a career in the digital age

The long-term professional journey you embark on should have the potential of being sustainable for the long-run. With the fast-paced current digital age, some roles may appear others may disappear.

One of the crucial decisions we make in the beginning is to choose a specific field or industry. This will definitely affect your trajectory with great impact on your personal satisfaction, mobility, financial stability and social status.

A career is characterized by progression, whether through promotions, role changes or shifts in industry. In order to stay up in the game, we need to continuously learn, develop our skills and adapt to ever-changing market trends and technologies.

What can you do to choose your career wisely

Selecting the right career involves a combination of self-awareness, research and a bit of strategic planning. Here's how to make informed decisions in order to pursue your dream career:

  1. Self-assessment: Take your time to reflect what drives you and what you are good at. This way you'll be able to identify a career path which truly resonates with who you are.
  2. Strengths and weaknesses: Reflect on your skills, talents and areas for improvement. Take into consideration what kind of activities make you feel energized and fulfilled.
  3. Understand your interests and values: These are super-important since they are part of who you are as an individual. Determine what are you passionate about: it can be financial success, helping others, creativity or technical skills.
  4. Explore various fields: Research different industries and roles to understand the opportunities they offer. Look into job descriptions, qualifications and growth prospects.
  5. Set clear goals and expectations: Once you complete your research, make sure to set achievable milestones that will guide you through. Having clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated.

Plan accordingly, diligently learn and adapt on the go

I can't stress enough the importance of planning your way in the beginning. For me, it was the thing that really helped me during my high-school. I knew even when I entered high-school what college I will want to study at. Having this plan fostered in my the necessary discipline to follow my career path as a Software Engineer.

Many career paths require a certain education degree to be obtained. This is important to have in your plan. Once you start it, ensure that you diligently learn the necessary skills required in your career progression.

Before being accepted into a role, you need to match up with the job description itself. For this, you need to make sure you are prepared with the necessary experience, certifications and qualifications stated in the description. It's where you adapt on the go: since you may never be a 100% match for the specific role, try to emphasize skills and expertise during the process to convey to the interviewer the value you bring if you are accepted to the role.

Choosing your career: will you regret it?

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make. It requires a thoughtful approach that combines self-reflection, research, planning, and adaptability. By understanding your strengths, exploring different fields, acquiring relevant skills, setting clear goals and staying informed about job markets, you can make wise career choices that lead to personal and professional fulfillment. Remember, a successful career is not just about what you do, but also how you grow and evolve along the way.

Acquire relevant skills through education, training, or hands-on experience. Stay curious and keep learning – it's essential in today's fast-paced world!

Set clear goals for yourself, both short-term and long-term. What do you want to achieve? How will you measure success?

Moreover, stay informed about job markets and industry trends. Be prepared to pivot if needed, and always be open to new opportunities.

Remember, a successful career is not just about what you do – it's also about how you grow and evolve along the way. By embracing this mindset, you'll set yourself up for a fulfilling journey that brings joy, purpose, and satisfaction.